Exhibit Guidance 2025

Exhibit Guidance

Co-Organizer Tokyo Metropolitan Government
Federation of All Japan Out-door Advertising Associations
Eastern Regional Outdoor Advertising Consortium
Exhibition period Wednesday, October, 22~Friday, October, 24, 2025
10 AM~5 PM
Venue Ariake GYM-EX
Tokyo Big Site (Tokyo International Exhibition Center)

1-chōme-10-1 Ariake, Koto City, Tokyo 135-0063
Display materials General commercial products such as supplies, materials, tools, and work vehicles needed for preparing and erecting signs & displays
Number of displays 350



Exhibition essential points

Stand fees ¥385,000 per display (inc. 10% consumption tax) for non-affiliated parties
¥352,000 (inc. 10% consumption tax) for association members and supporting members
Size of Stand 2,970mm width, 2,970mm depth, and 2,700m height (8.8 square meters)
Stand decor The Organizer will supply the following:
1. Display partition panel and parapet (System Panel)
2. Company name sign (200mm height, 1,800mm length)
3. Parapet rear lighting (2 × FL40W)
4. 1 display stand (180 cm opening, 90 cm depth, & 75 cm height)
5. 1 folding chair
* 4 & 5 shall be supplied to only those who request them. Other required display materials shall be the responsibility of the displaying company.
Electricity The Organizer will set up the main electrical supply. After the exhibition our office will invoice exhibiting companies for work involved in setting up a breaker switch and individually consumed electricity. Displaying companies shall also pay for any fees involved in setting up electricity supply within their own display.
* Main electrical set up fee and consumed electricity fee (100V・200V calculated separately, although the unit of measure will be the same.)
Usage capacity

of use
Main electrical set up fee + consumed electricity fee
= Invoiced amount (inc. 8% consumption tax)
Less than 1 kW ¥9,900+¥1,100=¥11,000
1.1 kW – 2 kW ¥19,800+¥2,200=¥22,000
About an application Please complete the “exhibition application form and exhibition agreement consent document”and send it by FAX to (03-3626-2255). Please add you company seal, official stamp, or authorised signature to the application form. Following receipt of your application, the organisers will confirm your acceptance as an exhibitor.
Cancellation of participation If an exhibitor cancels their participation in the exhibition after they have been accepted, the following penalty charges will apply:

Date Fee
From the time that the acceptance form is posted to September 19, 2025 50% of the amount billed
From September 20, 2025 to the end of the exhibition The total amount of the amount billed
Exhibitors qualifications – Exhibitors have to provide products and services that fit the purpose and theme of the exhibition organizer.
– The organizer reserves the right to judge and limit the amount and scope of exhibitors’ products and services for the exhibition.
– In the case of joint exhibitors, exhibitors must apply for at least one booth per exhibitor. The organisers will not permit two exhibitors to share a booth.
Other notes +Please read the exhibition terms and conditions on the back of the exhibition application form.
+The organisers decline all liability for loss through theft, accident, or otherwise. Exhibitors are required to arrange their own insurance coverage for the exhibition.


Application deadline Monday, June 30, 2025
Exhibition company
briefing session
2 PM – Friday,  July 18, 2025
Tokyo BIG SITE Conference Tower Room 102
Access: see this page
Payment deadline September 19, 2025
Deadline for submission
of application forms
September 19, 2025
Seting-up timetable Basic decor: 3 PM – 11 PM, Sunday, October 19, 2025
Display decor: 9 AM – 8 PM, Monday, October 20, 2025
Display products: 9 AM – 8 PM, Tuesday, October 21, 2025
Dismantling timetable Display products: 5 PM – 7 PM, Friday, October 24, 2025
Decor related: 7 PM – 9 PM, Friday, October 24, 2025

Additional notes for foreign exhibitors

Other 1.The Organizer has sole discretion to allocate to the Exhibitor an appropriate space taking into account the date of application for the space and the nature of the spacerequested.
2.The Organizer will manage security and house keeping for the show venue.However the Organizer takes no responsibility for any damage, loss and injury. Exhibitors should therefore take out their own insurance for the show.
3.The Organizer shall be entitled to give priority to Tokyo Outdoor Advertising Association members if the number of applications exceeds the number of standsavailable.
4.The Organizer reserves the right not to permit an Exhibitor to cancel participation in the show once the application to participate has been accepted.
5.The Organizer reserves the right to change the show dates or to cancel the show if compelled to do so by factors beyond the control of the Organizer, and the Organizer shall not have any liability to the Exhibitor for refunds, additional expenses or charges, or to make payment for any other loss or damage suffered by the Exhibitor.
The Organizer shall refund the full exhibition fee if the Organizer cancels the show before the start of the show.
6.The Organiser reserves the right to change the show dates and opening times if necessary for reasons beyond the Organizer’s control.
7.The Organizer reserves the right to refuse any application for participation if the application does not suit the purposes of the show.
8.In addition to these regulations all Exhibitors andparticipants are also subject to the regulations of the Tokyo Big Site.
Special notice for overseas exhibitors 1.The Exhibitor should have at least one staff member who can communicate in Japanese at all times at the Stand.
2.The Organizer requires 50000 Japanese Yen (plus consumption tax) per stand as a deposit.The Organizer will refund this on the last day of the show.